About Me

Marcus and I have been married 12 years. We live in Lake Forest Ca where we just bought our last house and love it! We have three adorable yet active children. Overall we are a typical LDS family.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Locks of Love

As many of you know I am donating my hair to Locks Of Love. I have been waiting until I lost some weight to do it, but I am so sick of it. I decided to cut it first and then grow into my new hair cut. Now I am really going to have to start working out. Thanks to my great Brother in Law Damon I can use my Wii fit! Thanks again for hunting one down for me I am so excited.

Back to the hair here are some pictures of before and after.

Obviously right before I left to do the cut

Here is the hair after the cut. I was bummed cause almost half of it was falling out of the rubber band after it was cut. I showed how much was not in the rubber band. I thought it was a lot. Oh well I tried to include it all, but I know they will only take what is already bound by the rubber band so that is what they are getting. Half will go to the trash the other half will hopefully help out a little childe with no hair.

Here I am smiling for the camera. These next shots I had to do on my own as everyone here is asleep. Not the best, but the best of the 15 I tried to take. I was so excited to finally dye my hair again. It has been 2+ years since they want virgin hair. Yeah no more gray!!

front view

back view

Who knows I might do the process all over again in a year. I want to enjoy no gray for awhile!


aprilaleman said...

short hair is nice for the summer... good move!

Kathryn said...

You're amazing for doing this! Growing it out for so long... I wouldn't have the patience, I don't think.

You look darling too, you foxy thing! :)

Jill Duncan said...

What?!?! I love the new do! You are too hot blooded to have such long hair- you're gonna be so much cooler now! Some little child out there will appreciate what you did.

Jyl said...

I have ALWAYS loved your hair short, in cute bob doo's! But I cannot believe how long your hair was! Impressive Girl

Anonymous said...

love the new cut! Natalie