About Me

Marcus and I have been married 12 years. We live in Lake Forest Ca where we just bought our last house and love it! We have three adorable yet active children. Overall we are a typical LDS family.

Monday, October 6, 2008

My visit with the Neumen Family

I would like to post a comment about my good friend's Mom. This past weekend I went to visit with Erin and her family and her mother who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was a heartbreaking and very emotional moment for me. Adele wasn't able to talk when we got there (my mother in law and I) but she did look at us. I had a hard time coping with it all since Erin and I have been friends pretty much since birth. To see her Mom in a sick state was very emotional for me. I am writing this without going into too much detail to ask for your prayers on her behalf. I know that a lot of you don't know Erin and her family, but I know they would greatly appreciate any prayers that are sent their way. The Dr gave her only a little time left so we are all hoping for a miracle.


Jyl said...

Oh my gosh, I will definatley pray for your friends Mom, That is so heartbreaking. I am so sorry. But Miracles happen, I will pray for one!

Haddorkus said...

You can count on our family for prayers for them. Brother and Sister Neuman were always there throughout my entire childhood.

Kathryn said...

We will absolutely join in prayers for Erin, her mom & their family.

What a heartbreak.

L4GWTW said...

Thank you I really appreciate it.