(don't mind the candy corn they are tags for my kids teacher's gift for Halloween)
About Me
- Marcus and I have been married 12 years. We live in Lake Forest Ca where we just bought our last house and love it! We have three adorable yet active children. Overall we are a typical LDS family.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Finally I have a piano!!
(don't mind the candy corn they are tags for my kids teacher's gift for Halloween)
Scarlett's Birthday Party
Scarlett picked the Halloween bear and I can't remember what she named him, I am sure she has forgotten as well. (She does that and changes the names here and there)
I want you to notice the outfit she chose for him. I said he looked like a Christmas Halloween Cat a little confused. I tried to get her to put him in a costume, but no way!
This is the autograph bear all he friends did at the party
Yes she chose It's the Best Day Ever for her cake. She wanted it on all her cakes she had for her parties. It is from Sponge Bob it is a song he sings. I also would like to point out that she is wearing one of her dog shirts that is long sleeves and it was probably in the 100's that day. She is a character. I wasn't going to fight her on her party!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Scarlett's Family Birthday
Of course we did something on her actual birthday at the park with her friends and that is when we gave her her presents. ( I forgot my camera after running around all day so Laura took the pictures I need to get them from her)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Girl Scouts
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First Day of School Finally!!
After school cake! My kids, Laura's boys and Donna's girls