About Me

Marcus and I have been married 12 years. We live in Lake Forest Ca where we just bought our last house and love it! We have three adorable yet active children. Overall we are a typical LDS family.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas Eve 2

We did a program after dinner. First Mike had each of us tell about our favorite Christmas and what made it so special for us. The Marcus Paxman family and The Hughes family re told the story of Jesus' birth being told to the Nephites in America. Isaac was Samuel the Lamanite and Will and Kevin and Joe were the wicked Nephites that didn't believe. Marcus and Danique were the good nephites that believed and I read the story our of the Book of Mormon. It was fun and the boys enjoyed throwing their arrows and rocks at Isaac.

The Todd Paxman family and Brittni and Sean told the story of Jesus birth from Luke. Scarlett insisted on being the sheep with the Shepard. She convinced Ally to join her. Scarlett is always the animal in the story.

This isn't the best picture, but it is the only one that had most everyone in it. With Keri being Mary riding Tyler the donkey (who had a broken arm) with baby Kat who was Baby Jesus.

I just found out on Christmas Eve that Brittni was engaged to Sean. He proposed to her at Disneyland infront of the castle. AHH what a moment. Once she is married we just have my sister Amy left and then all of us will be married. Strange it seemed like a long long time before this would happen.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Holy cow! Brittni's old enough to get married?? Wow. In my head she's still the little girl at your bridal shower...

CONGRATS to her!