About Me
- Marcus and I have been married 12 years. We live in Lake Forest Ca where we just bought our last house and love it! We have three adorable yet active children. Overall we are a typical LDS family.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tagged List
TEN YEARS AGO...I was newly married and very pregnant with Isaac. I was finally over being sick and starting to enjoy life again as much as you can when you are prego. I know we went to Utah for Damon and Laura's wedding and I was spending time in the pool at our apartment in Laguna Niguel.
1. organize my house before going back to school (I have alist of about 10 places)
2. start working out
3. pay off my debt
4. buy a house
5. start to scrapbook again
A SNACK I ENJOY...Chocolate!!! Right now I am into sweet salty and sour. I love chocolate covered pretzles and sour patch kids mixed together in a bag. Gotta love Resess sticks!
HA!THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WERE A MILLIONAIRE...Wow the sad thing is that it wouldn't go to far anymore. I would buy a house for cash and get a new car. Of course I would furnish my house and I think that would take care of most of it!! Sad~
PLACES I HAVE LIVED...I have lived in Southern California my entire life. Born in La Puenta, raised in Ontario, moved to Laguna Niguel, Lake Elsinore (5+ yrs), Lake Perris, Lake Forest ,and now Mission Viejo (until we buy a house one day). My final resting place I would love is Lake Forest or San Clemente those are future places.
NOW FOR TAGGING...I'll be nice like my aunt and I will tag anyone who would like to take the challenge. I love to read the posts!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Kaelyn, my sister Jill's baby
Locks of Love
Back to the hair here are some pictures of before and after.
Obviously right before I left to do the cut
Here is the hair after the cut. I was bummed cause almost half of it was falling out of the rubber band after it was cut. I showed how much was not in the rubber band. I thought it was a lot. Oh well I tried to include it all, but I know they will only take what is already bound by the rubber band so that is what they are getting. Half will go to the trash the other half will hopefully help out a little childe with no hair.
Here I am smiling for the camera. These next shots I had to do on my own as everyone here is asleep. Not the best, but the best of the 15 I tried to take. I was so excited to finally dye my hair again. It has been 2+ years since they want virgin hair. Yeah no more gray!!
front view
back view
Who knows I might do the process all over again in a year. I want to enjoy no gray for awhile!
Another Day at Disneyland
This one is so adorable of Scarlett and Nathan. Right after I took the picture they moved from holding hands to puting their arms around eachother. It was so precious especially since they are like brother and sister. Scarlett calls them her real pretend brothers.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tag I am it!
Picture Blog Tag.The rules are you have to take ten pictures of the following things. And you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping your child's nose. Then you tag five others.
I am not tecno advanced and am having problems doing it all on one blog don't ask why. Marcus of course is asleep he had a busy day with work going bowling and watching an Angels game and going out to eat...... Poor baby. So you will have to cope! One day I will get caught up with the world or the computer will obey my every command.
I tag..... Cristtin, Ali, Jyl, Le Ann, Heidi, and Jamie No excuses I did it and got new batteries to boot!!
DRUM ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ( I know I am a dork it is late and I am tired)
first 5 of Tag I am it!
2. Toilet- not bad for two boys! give it a day or two it was just cleaned!
of course Scarlett is asleep like a good girl and the boys!!!! Wait until I wake them up to go to Disneyland in the morning!!
4. Your favorite shoes- I like my aunt LOVE to go barefoot. I only wear shoes when I really have to.
5. Dream Vacation- the picture on my blog is a pretty nice place, but I have to say my dream would be to go to Europe mainly Germany! no pictures sorry.
Next 5 are in the following blog. SUSPENSE!!!!!
last 5 of Tag I am it!
Huge Savings
Then I went to Ralphs and Albertsons after wards to get the $1 deals. Yes I paid nothing more then $2.50 for everything I bought. So here is my huge savings of the week I spent $165.36 between the two stores and saved $250.81. I am talking good items too like cereal, oatmeal, fruit snacks, lunchabels (they weren't that great of a deal, but not over 2.50),capri suns, frosting, cake mix, ready to bake cookies, pudding, yogurt 4pks,100 calorie snack packs. I mainly stocked up on the cereal it was $1 at Ralphs. You can't beat that (unless you had a coupon and even then over all I still don't think you could save too much more.)
Of course of the past few weeks I have been stocking up on back to school supplies at Target, Walmart, Staples, and Office Depot. I have been payin 1 cent to up to 88 cents for items. Of course there were a few things that were free too. I am very proud of myself. I love hearing what the deals are for the week Sunday night. Thought I would share my good news.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tagged/ Sick
I also wanted to update you all on what is going on here I have been sick for about a week and am so over it. Today I did nothing, but rest all day (Isaac was at his cousins, Kevin was at my moms, and a friend picked up Scarlett) Yeah thank you so I slept most of the day away. I truley feel better after sleeping so long and starting medicine. Marcus and I are going to Utah Friday night for his family reunion and I hope to be better then so I can enjoy my days without my children. I am excited to see my family that I love to hang out with. Of course I will se all of Marcus family that lives there while we are at the reunion and Sunday for dinner. Then I would love to visit with my aunt and uncle and maybe Missy if I get a chance. We will be staying with Marcus brother Damon and I will have a ton of fun with his wife Laura. We love to hang out and do fun things. I will post pictures when I have some. Just wanted to put a new post on my blog.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :) If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.So simple enough. I copied this from Cristtin's blog and this next rule is hers and I have to agree. Now, I am going to add one more rule, some of my readers know me from my High School years, so if you choose a memory from then remember this is a PG-rated blog, at least I try to keep it that way, so please be nice.
3. I know I am new at blogging so please leave something so I have something to look at!! THANK
Finally we Did it
We had some drama when we decided to do the words on the front by ourselves with press on letters we bought from Walmart. Needless to say that we destroyed two shrits and then decided to pay and get it done at a local store. They turned out way cute and we love the fact that we can quickly and easily count all the children while we are out. Now we are just going to have to make one more set that doesn't say Mouseketeer on it for when we go out to non Disneyland events. We'll see when we get to that. Maybe in another year or so!!
PS I also made the hair bows in all the girls hair. I will try to post a close up later.