Alright so since this is my journal etc I need to write all the things that are going on right now. I feel like I am going crazy on some days.
Today was especially one I think because I was so tired and had to do cubscouts right after school with Kevin's den. Sometimes those boys are so wild (8 year olds)
Not to mention we had play practice yesterday and the kids there were hyper too. So tonight Laura and had to come up with a new plan for the rehearsals. Marcus and I joke that since Luara and I wrote the play we are only hiring with in since we are directing producing choreographing etc. We are having fun I think part of the problem is that this is our first year and I don't know if they have done a play at Cordillera in a very long time. The kids are cute and call us there drama teacher, Drama Club, Theater Club etc. We love the fact that they are talking about it to there teachers and on the playground.
Then to top it all off we are in charge of the Blue and Gold Dinner for our Pack and are planning a brunch for 300 people. I think it will turn out right sometimes it is just hard when you have to let other people help as well. Needless to say Laura and I have control issues at times and have problems deligating.
Not to be shadowed by the fact that we are incharge of the year end Carnival for the school. I am really not worried about this one yet, but I would like to have all the papers from the past people from previous years and feel like I don't have a great handle on it yet.
Then I thinking that I am super mom or something and volunteer to be incharge of Scarlett's Troop Girls Scout Cookie sales. So far this hasn't been a huge ordeal, but there is a dillema in pick up since it is the same day as our Blue and Gold and both the leaders in her troop are part of our cub scout pack too. So there is that issue.
Don't forget if you want any cookies we are here!!
Oh and to make it a perfect week Laura and I (yes we are always together) had a very flakey travel agent and haven't heard from her since before Thanksgiving. We booked our trip to Disneyworld in May back in Sept and still haven't heard anything from her. So we went to our local AAA and switched agents. Guessed who called me today after months of nothing. Yes that is right the flakey travel agent. So needless to say I basically let her know that we were switching and that she had terrible customer service etc. She was really sorry and tried to get us to stay with her and oh boy I was mad. I had just spent an entire day runing errands and dealing with a group of 8 year old boys I was no mood for someone I didn't even know to try to guilt me into something. I had to get her off the phone and move on so I probably wasn't as nice as I should of been, but at this point I was done.
Well if you made it this far Thanks for listening. I feel better now that I have vented to no one in particular.